Laura teaches photography at Joseph Chamberlain CollegeJeremy lives in the oldest house in Balsall Heath, built in 1792click for audioAhmed lives in Balsall Heath. He’s also a YouTuber!Fabio is also Portugese. He runs Balsall Heath based independent bike workshop Biclas B12Nabil and Tasnime with Ramin, Rafin and KhdijahJibran is originally from Afghanistan and he moved to the UK – to Balsall Heath – just one month agoBalsall Heath coupleSamo Majidclick for audioBraulio, who was with his dad, moved here from Portugal. They are very happy in Balsall HeathFabio Pintoclick for audioAyan takes her daughter swimming at Moseley Road Baths. She loves the beautiful old building and the community elementclick for audioclick for audioFiclick for audioMaryam loves cycling and comes to Balsall Heath to get her bike fixedclick for audioJohn Newsonclick for audioTareqclick for audioMillicentDima and NadiHusseinclick for audioDamianclick for audioAbi and Milesclick for audioTara and Ed and Sam and babyMasuma and motherclick for audioSaleemclick for audioSheikh Nuru Mohammedclick for audioJaffar and Shujaclick for audioFatemahclick for audioRosaclick for audioCouncillor Shela Moledinaclick for audioMohamedclick for audioRajanclick for audioBrandon and Prestonclick for audioJeffreyclick for audioHasnainclick for audioJaffarclick for audioMarried couple Sobia and Yasser, who live in Balsall Heath and both work as teaching assistants for children with special educational needs. click for audioTony Foxclick for audioSuleiman was walking through Balsall Heath on his way into town when he stopped for a chat and a portrait. He is an actor.Alfie and Hetta and their children, Sid and baby Tayah, love living in Balsall Heath – they got married in the Old Print Works. Sid likes visiting the sheep at the city farm. click for audio